Monthly Archives: March 2019

No Freedom Without Law

The recent college admissions scandal in the United States exposes a deadly spirit of lawlessness. America was founded on biblical principles, including the rule of law. Learn about the alarming consequences of departing from the law—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

More than perhaps any luxury or convenience, most humans around the world desire true freedom. Freedom has been the driving force behind numerous wars and political movements throughout history. But freedom is never actually obtained in these ways. Only God holds the solution.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet No Freedom Without Law for God’s perspective on this vital subject. Around the world, the trend today is toward lawlessness. Misguided people believe that not having to obey the law is true freedom. Just look at the results of rebellion in society: violent crime, substance abuse, theft, disease, and many other dreadful plagues. Is this freedom?

Study No Freedom Without Law to understand the perfection and righteousness of God’s law. Discover how applying God’s simple yet beautiful law would provide mankind with the happiness and freedom we have always craved.

Worldly governments are corrupt by nature. Man’s forms of government have repeatedly abused the very subjects they are supposed to serve. The painful lessons of history have made many people hostile toward even the concept of government—including the perfect government of God.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet God’s Family Government to learn how Satan has deceived the entire world in this area. In this end time, even God’s own Church fell apart because of rebellion against government. Government is the most important subject in the Bible. God is very specific about government structure and operation. Only those who understand and obey God’s government today will escape the nightmarish time of suffering just ahead.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request No Freedom Without Law and God’s Family Government. Order now!




Family Is a Gift From God | The Trumpet Daily

The Ten Commandments—Part 5 by Trumpet Bookshelf

In the final episode about the Ten Commandments booklet, host Grant Turgeon discusses God’s laws against lying and coveting. Most people commit these sins every day, as evidenced by the mainstream media and by celebrities who flaunt their riches. Learn the fundamental cause of lying, and expose the hideous inventor of all lies. Discover the remedy for the society-killing disease of materialism.

Homeless in Seattle by Trumpet Daily Radio Show

[04:50] News Update (19 minutes)
· Russia deploys nuclear capable bombers to Crimea.
· Today was the day Brexit was supposed to happen, but British lawmakers still don’t know what they want to do.
· The drama surrounding the Mueller report carries on, and a few Democrats are still adamant there’s evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.
[23:00] Homeless in Seattle (30 minutes)
Seattle is dying, according to KOMO news reporter Eric Johnson. The Pacific Northwest is one of the most beautiful areas of the U.S., but one of its most prominent cities is now a dirty, trash-littered den of homelessness, drug addiction and rampant crime. Johnson, a local Seattle news station reporter, made an hourlong documentary about the homelessness crisis in Seattle and the effect it is having on the local community.
Many Seattle citizens complain that the city council is not doing enough to solve the problems. The police have lost their authority: When they arrest people for small crimes, misdemeanors and more serious charges like theft and property damage, the offenders are often released the next day. The 100 most frequent offenders in the Seattle criminal justice system (all of which are homeless) have 3,500 criminal cases between them, some with 75 or more each—and those are just the crimes that have been reported. Out of every 100 police reports filed in Seattle, only 18 actually result in convictions. The rest of the crimes go unpunished.
Although the problem is often called a “homelessness crisis,” it’s actually a drug crisis. One homeless woman told Johnson that she has not met a single person on the streets who is not an addict. But police can no longer regulate the drug problem either. It is now legal to carry 3 grams of methamphetamines with you in Seattle, which is 30 doses.
One frustrated citizen got to the heart of the problem, questioning, “Why can’t we enforce the law?” That is the foundational problem here. These hopeless homeless in Seattle probably believe they are free—free to take mind-altering drugs, free to sleep on the streets, free to steal and break the law with impunity. But it is not freedom. There truly is no freedom without law.

President Trump Calls Out Treasonous Agents From the Obama Era by Trumpet Daily Radio Show

[02:20] Brexit Update (5 minutes)
[06:50] Treason (24 minutes)
During an interview last night, U.S. President Donald Trump spoke about the “treasonous” attempt to remove him from office shortly after his election victory in 2016. “This was an attempted takeover of our government … an illegal takeover.” He also noted that if the tables were turned and these same tactics were used against the Obama administration, people would be locked in jail. In this segment, I talk about how the president continues to expose one of the most lawless episodes in American history.
[31:00] The Real Source of America’s Problems (15 minutes)
America is a nation entrenched in serious problems. And while it is in the midst of a brief resurgence, no man will be able to save America. In this segment, I talk about what is behind the attack on America.

Catastrophic Week for the American Media by Trumpet Daily Radio Show

[02:50] Media Fallout (14 minutes)
This has been a difficult week for the mainstream media. For two years, talking heads on cable news breathlessly told the American people that Robert Mueller’s report would be the end of President Donald Trump. Then it came. And nothing.
In this segment, I also discuss the latest on the media love affair with Michael Avenatti, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” getting shot down in the Senate, and the Jussie Smollet fake hate crime.
[16:00] Time to Investigate the Investigators (18 minutes)
While Mueller’s two-year investigation turned out to be a dud for the anti-Trump crowd, it certainly succeeded in providing years of cover for the Obama-era officials who plotted a soft coup against a duly-elected president. Now that Mueller’s investigation is over, it’s time to take a look at the people who orchestrated this hoax in the first place. Will justice be served?
[36:16] How God Values Music (20 minutes)
Music is a powerful medium! People underestimate just how much music influences their thinking and moods. In this segment, I talk about why the right music can uplift and inspire, and the wrong type of music can lead to depression and anxiety.

How the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax Got Started by Trumpet Daily Radio Show

[01:30] Origin of the Russia Collusion Hoax (25 minutes)
The Obama administration knew about Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election months, possibly even a year, before the election. Prior to the election, then President Barack Obama said the Russia threat was nothing to worry about. “There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America’s elections,” he said on Oct. 18, 2016.
Then the unexpected happened: Donald Trump won.
Somehow, in just a few short weeks, the American public was taken from there’s no way to rig a U.S. election to Donald Trump worked directly with Russia to rig the election.
In this segment, we look back to the origin of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative and ask: Will the real traitors now be held accountable for trying to stage a treasonous coup?
[27:00] Collusion Between the ‘Deep State’ and the Media (15 minutes)
Top officials of Obama’s Department of Justice and intelligence agencies worked closely with the media in the days leading up to the inauguration of Donald Trump. After one damaging leak, then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told president-elect Trump that he was disturbed by the leaks. As it turns out, he was the one leaking.
[42:50] Destroy President Trump at All Costs (13 minutes)
Between November 2016 and January 2017, the United States came as close as it ever has to witnessing a coup to bring down a duly-elected president. In the two years that followed, the man America elected to be president has been subjected to nonstop investigations intended to damage his presidency. President Trump said yesterday that “we can never, ever let this happen to another president again.”

Man Does Not Have An Immortal Soul by Live by Every Word

Man has an incredible potential! But man does not have an immortal soul.

Now That the Mueller Probe Is Over, Will the Real Traitors Be Held to Account? by Trumpet Daily Radio Show

[00:30] Twenty-Two Months of Media Hysteria (9 minutes)
After interviewing 500 witnesses, issuing 2,800 subpoenas, and spending tens of millions investigating collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia, Mueller’s investigation found no evidence of collusion.
[10:00] The Radical Left Responds to the Mueller Report (15 minutes)
For nearly two years, the mainstream media pushed the Russia collusion narrative on the American people—with no evidence. Will they be held accountable for spreading misinformation and fake news? Will there be any apologies? Will any of them admit they were wrong? Or will they quickly pivot to other strategies aimed at taking down the president?
[25:00] Mueller’s Cheap Shot (10 minutes)
On the question of President Trump’s obstruction of justice, Robert Mueller left the media an out by deferring to President Trump’s attorney general, William Barr. Paul Mirengoff at Powerline writes that Mueller’s decision will likely cause Barr to come under attack by Democrats who will claim the investigation is a partisan cover-up. Why didn’t Mueller just decide himself and effectively end this harassment?
[35:00] Nunes Memo Turns Out Not to Be a Dud (7 minutes)
When Congressman Devin Nunes wrote his brief memo last year exposing the nefarious tactics of Obama’s Justice officials, he was mocked by the media. Many commentators called his memo a “dud.” My father wrote at the time that this memo exposed the troubling state of America. In this segment, I talk about the real cause of the out-of-control political circus in America today.
[41:00] Holding the Real Traitors Accountable (15 minutes)
The great collusion hoax effectively held America captive for more than two years. It has caused irreparable damage and division to the United States of America. It also provided two years’ worth of cover for the people who really should have been investigated after the 2016 election: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Christopher Steele and others.

What Is God’s College Like?

What is God’s college like? Why does it exist? What is the value of this unique kind of education? How can you be a part of God’s college, even if you are unable to attend in person? Answer these vital questions—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

God’s college on Earth today has two main objectives: preparing students to be teachers in the wonderful World Tomorrow, and speeding up the students’ spiritual growth. Fewer than 100 students are blessed to attend God’s college in person each year. But you can receive this valuable education right in your own home.

Sign up for the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course to unlock your Bible. The Bible is the book that everybody owns but almost nobody knows. This book was written for our day. No book is as up-to-date. It explains the cause of all world problems—and the only solution.

Call our toll-free number or visit to enroll in our free, 36-lesson Bible course. That’s This course will guide you through a systematic study of your Bible. You can prove the truth in each lesson by turning to each scripture yourself. The Bible is the only course textbook. It need not be a mystery to you.

You will also receive a copy of Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets—How To Become a King. God’s colleges in this end time were foretold thousands of years ago in your Bible. Learn how the colleges of Samuel, Elijah and Elisha relate to God’s college today. Understand how God always leads His college, both in ancient times and today. Discover the universe-shaking purpose for God’s college.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request our 36-lesson Bible course and The Former Prophets—How To Become a King. Order now!